Friday, October 19, 2012

stepping away

Last week, when the thought of hanging washing on the line seemed like a novelty, I decided it was time to turn off the computer and step away for a few days.

Just like in Autumn I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and perhaps a little sad. One month of intense work coupled with far too many deadlines and I was typing in my sleep. So when the stories were complete and the last email was sent I literally unplugged my computer. I pottered about for a few days without the nagging distraction of work and I grounded myself.

I sat on the floor in the children's rooms and sorted through too-small-clothes and baskets of wooden blocks. I washed new linens and made the beds, hung paintings and pictures and stacked books on the shelf. I swept the balcony, potted seedlings and planned a vegie garden with my dad. I read the printed word and watched a few movies. 

I fell asleep early with Poet still feeding and then rose with the sun to make breakfast and drink tea. The next day I watched my little girl take her first steps, her wonderful mop of wild curls bouncing. I didn't take photos - I just took it all in.

My days have been slow and purposeful and I'm grateful for the space. Right now the fan is whirring, the white sheets are drying and there's ice water in lieu of tea. The hammock beckons....

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